Saturday, December 1, 2007

I'm the rebound guy

I have a history of dating crazy girls. When I say crazy I mean bat shit, should be heavily medicated or living in a home, crazy. The first 1L I dated was a close second to the craziest girl I ever dated. I stayed with her because once I'm in a relationship I don't want to leave. Sure it may suck but at least I have someone. This usually means that the relationship goes on entirely too long and ends disastrously.

I also have a history of girls using me as a girlfriend. This essentially means I get to become one of the girls and hear all about all the guys they want to sleep with or all the problems they have with their boyfriends. Sometimes we even cuddle, but no kissing, no sex, just frustration and information that men are not supposed to know.

I think this is the result of my coming off as gay to a lot of girls when they first meet me. I'm so nonthreatening and I don't make a move.

Yesterday an interesting, and not seen before, phenomenon of being a "girlfriend" occurred. One of the girls just got out of a bad relationship and "needed" a rebound guy. She apparently didn't want to look far and I didn't put up much of a fight.

Now I know the healthy thing for me to do now is run for my life. Am I going to? No. I'm going to stick it out because of some very stupid reasons. 1. She's hot, like the hottest girl I've had. 2. Actually I can't think of another reason. Did I mention she's really hot.

I swear I'm not a pig. I just make poor decisions sometimes. (For any employers reading this, I make poor decisions regarding romantic relationships on occasion, my decisions on the professional level I assure you are always well reasoned and logical.)

So moral of the story is that most of the time I don't just want to be friends but I fail to make a move for so long that I fall hopelessly into the just friends pit of doom.


Woman in Black said...

Congrats on the job and the rebound hot girl. What the heck? You have to live in the moment.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I say go for it, pig or not! Sounds like an okay deal to me, just guard your heart!

Anonymous said...

Buddy, I feel with you. I've got more female friends than are allowed in any universe. The amount of 'nice guy' messages I get on my facebook from beautiful women is ridiculous.

I've heard everything from why she wants to stay so badly with -and loves- the A**hole that's beating her up to discussions on how to give the best blowjob. And I know I'll always be there to listen for more...

I've been in 2 long-distance relationships, have dated manic-depressive aerial-artists (hot? Oh God yes. Slightly scary that they're hanging 30 feet above the ground and occasionally want to end it all? Aehm...).

If you're anything like me though, then eventually you genuinely care for them all... a little too much.

I just 'mutually' broke up with another and suddenly I'm struggeling. Am a little hurt, lost for words. End up googeling what I want to tell her and land here...

Here is something I can't tell her: Thanks for the nice memories. I wish I'd have said those three words. I'll miss ya. Have fun, I'm sure I've had and will be thinking of you.

The thing I can tell you is this:
You can't buy those memories.

I'm still friends with a most of those girl-'friends' I had a fling with. It's beautiful when the twinkle in the eye tells you you know her that little bit better than others.

One of them put it into words and hit the nail on the head when she said:

"Chris, you don't like women. You adore them."

Maybe this applies to you too...

Have fun with the hot girl, and when you're done: Show her your blog.

Chris Rogers

Anonymous said...

Im plagued with this disease. I did have alot of girls as friends.. I think they were my friends. They def liked having me around.

Im not trying to be an arrogant prick but Im more on the attractive scale of things as I have been told to numerous girls that I have crushed.

Im 22 and I have never been in love and I have never been with a gril that I have actually liked as in I will build love with. I seem to only be attracted to the girls whows hearts belong to someone else. And that is how it has always been. I am used and abused and then thrown aside like a chew toy to a puppy to have all my cotten stuffing ripped out and left without any of the proper tools or skills to stitch myself back up. "I wouldnt cry, if I make a flood, I' dont know if I can swim that good."

Maybe Im the one who is emotionally retarted? some have said Im am a nice guy so Girls feel safe and seek refuge with me and some have said that I have Knight in Shining Armor Syndrome. I am a hopeless romantic and would die for the one I care about. I believe in sacrifice and would give ever single ounce of my being to save someone I care for. But does that make me emotionally retarded....?

It has been 2 year since you posted this I am curious to hear from you. Bc I just got the "Im still in love withsome else" bit THROUGH A TEXT MESSAGE!!!! OMG DO I KNOW HOW TO PICK THEM. I thought I understood this girl. A little broken. Has a little know a girl who needs a little saving and time...ugh. Im an idiot. sometimes.

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