Monday, December 24, 2007

Life is good

Today I ate pizza for dinner and forth meal (thank you taco bell). It is 5:12AM and I have not yet gone to bed. I am really enjoying having no responsibilities. I'm sure the backlash will begin soon and boredom will set in, but right now after the stress and drama of law school a simple life of watching TV and eating lots of pizza while consuming adult beverages is perfect. I wish I had an XBOX 360 or a Wii.

On Thursday I'm going to do interviews for a documentary a friend is making. The camera will be on the subject and I'll be the voice you hear from off screen asking the questions. I really think it will be a good line on the resume and will allow me to break into the acting world. Good bye public defense, hello Hollywood. I might even get to run the camera a bit so I can put actor/director on my resume. Yeah things are looking up for me.

In two weeks I will meet up with Super/Senior Intern and go visit the office where I interned. I'm excited. I've missed everyone at the office and Senior Intern a lot. A couple days after that I'm going to shadow someone at the office where I will be next summer. I predict that next semester there will be a lot of posts of me whining about how awesome the job shadow was and how badly I want to be in court doing what I saw. I know its going to happen and I apologize in advance.

Show the Rodneys some love:

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