Sunday, September 16, 2007


So your friend is in trouble with the law. Being a good friend you try and help your friend out by seeking out some legal advice for them. You turn to the best legal source available: the blog of former PD intern second year law student with a mediocre GPA.

In trying to get the 2L's legal advice you butter him up telling him about "his idiot woman public defender." Nothing inspires me to help more than denigrating women and those in the profession I am seeking. If only you could have called her sexuality into question.

I now understand why everyone else has a disclaimer next to their email address on their blog. I was thinking about giving him some legal advice. I hear that does wonders on the character and fitness portion of the bar exam. Oh it doesn't? Oh ok, guess he's screwed.

In unrelated, and overly personal, news I am no longer rumored to be the creepy 2L who is dating a 1L. I AM the creepy 2L. Go me.

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