Thursday, September 13, 2007

Have I mentioned that I hate law school?

Today at 12:30 I found out that I had a mandatory meeting at 5:45. I was one of the lucky ones. Some people didn't find out until 3:30. During the meeting where this was announced someone shouted, "This is bullshit." In response someone else said "I believe he speaks for the rest of us." The meeting was pointless as well. But hey I had nothing better to do today than spend 10 hours at the law school.

The rumor mongering is starting up again. Actually it has probably been going on the entire time it just involves me finally. The latest rumor is that I'm dating a 1L. Great now I'm the creepy 2L who preys on the fresh meat.

The 1L's are still so idealistic. There are a lot of them who are interested in criminal defense work and public interest law. I can't remember if my class was like that at the beginning. If we were it has been soundly beaten out of us.

1 comment:

PDgirl said...

Ahhh, hating law school...what would we do without it?

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