Monday, September 10, 2007

Legal Movies

I heard from Senior Intern recently. She's been busy and hasn't had a chance to write much. She just started an internship at the juvy branch of her local PD office. I'm very jealous.

She emailed me to thank me for her birthday present. I sent her three fabulous legal movies that everyone should watch.

The first film was Super Troopers. Besides the excellent criminal procedure hypos and numerous civil rights violations, the movie opens with three stoners arguing about property rights on the beach. Property law and criminal procedure, my least, and most favorite, areas of law, together at last.

Movie #2 was My Cousin Vinny. It was sent as inspiration to fight for her clients no matter how bad the case may look. The clients may just end up being innocent. It is also good inspiration for young attorney's facing their first big trial. They just have to have a girlfriend who knows a lot about cars.

Movie #3 was The Firm. This was sent so as to remind her that all firms are evil and she should never work at one.

If I had unlimited money I would have included: The Life of David Gale, A Civil Action (although the book is way better), and The People vs. Larry Flynt. I'm sure there a lot more great legal movies out there but this is my list. Any of my 4 readers have any better ones to suggest?*

*First person to say Legally Blonde gets banned.


Reel Fanatic said...

I"m glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks "Super Troopers" is a work of high (pun intended) art ... If I had to pick one "legal movie" as my single favorite, it would have to be "To Kill a Mockingbird"

Woman in Black said...

"And Justice for All"

We all need Al in our lives.

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