Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm an idiot with women, the saga continues

Went on a date last night with a girl I met online. During the date I went to send a friend a text letting him know that I thought the date was going well. Instead of sending that text to my friend I sent it to my date. She showed me. I'm pretty sure I turned red. Other stellar performances on my part during the date include spilling half my beer on the table and nearly crying after tasting the hot sauce (which of course was preceded by bragging about how I can handle really hot food).
We also went to the gay bar and watched the talent show. Shockingly the date went really well and we will go out again.

At work on Friday my boss informed me that I had an hour to prepare for an intake meeting that I would be doing. I forgot to ask some important questions, failed to introduce myself at first and had no idea what to say after about 15 minutes. I'll get there, at least I realize what mistakes I've made. I have 3 hearings scheduled for next week. So far I'm liking it almost as much as PD work. If I could cross exam cops I think it would be equal.

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