Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm done

Can't find a job to save my life. I even sold out and applied to firms. I was excited when I finally got a rejection letter, at least the firm took the time to read my name and address. Some of the best employment news I've had. PD office I worked at last summer laid off six people already this year. County below that just laid off 25% of their office. County below that is laying people off. My dream of being a PD straight out of law school is dead. Even if there were any openings anywhere, which there are not, I don't stand a chance against these lawyers who just got laid off and have years of experience over me.

Interviewed for a position with the law school for a year. A, we need to pad our employment statistics because the economy sucks so much, type of position. I was actually really excited about it. Found out the day before graduation that I didn't get that. Who does that? In what world is it a good idea to tell someone bad news the day before they graduate? In what possible universe is that a good idea? My level of anger over this is probably far beyond what it should be, but I needed this. And even if I didn't need it you don't ruin someones graduation.

Our graduation regalia which cost a ridiculous amount of money to rent is ugly as hell. The colors just don't look good on anyone. It was nice going to the table labeled "Doctor" to pick up my cap, gown and hood though. Please address me as Dr. Petition F. Review from now on thank you very much. Yeah I'm that pretentious.

This is turning into a rant so I'm just going to go with it. My ex-girlfriend is being a bitch. She told my friends something I told her in confidence. She then got mad when I had the gall to be upset with the fact that she told them. She's going to be a crappy lawyer. Another one of my exes went out of her way to show me her engagement ring. She came over just to do that. What am I supposed to do? Congratulate you for marrying a total douche? You two deserve each other, he's a douche obsessed with controlling women, you are a gold digging whore, match made in heaven.

This is the first time I've not been in school of some sort. It hasn't really sunk in yet.

Repaying my loans is going to be a nightmare and I can't use the loan repayment program at my law school for at least a year since the applications were due in April. Not a lot of apps this year I'm guessing since no one is employed and those who are employed sure as shit aren't employed in public interest work. THERE IS NO PUBLIC INTEREST WORK.

Ok I'm going to calm down and then maybe later I'll do a happy post where I brag about everything that has gone well this semester.


Kelli said...

I work in the student loan industry (until I go back to law school in August). Just want to FYI: if you can't pay your loans, you can get an Economic Hardship Deferment (based on income/household) for a year or a 6 month Forbearance (if you don't qualify for the EHD). Both are good for three years each. There are other options as well.

S said...

Good luck with the job search. I can't even imagine how tough it is out there right now.

PDgirl said...

Don't count yourself out of PD work just yet. I applied against a number of experienced, recently laid-off attorneys and I actually only got hired because the position was facing a lay-off about 5 months after I would start, so none of the experienced attorneys would take it. I, however, had been unemployed for 10 months and was jumping at the bit, so I totally took it knowing I'd probably get laid off. However, things may turn around and I won't be laid off, so then I'd be sitting pretty. You never know. Keep applying, even though there are other more experienced people applying too. And if you get a job in a different area, keep applying! If your dream job is public defense, keep looking for it even if you get a different one. Who cares if the firm that you just got hired at spent the last two weeks training you? Do you want to pass up your dream opportunity because you might feel guilty about quitting a different, less awesome job soon after starting? Keep applying, keep trying, and you'll get it eventually. People gotta retire/quite/open their own firms/move to a different place/etc eventually, right?

Overall, good luck. I just recently got out of that terrible job search hell and got my loan stuff straightened out, so I know the misery you're dealing with. Just keep applying and find some way to pass the time in your day.

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