Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wow that was an insane semester

Quick recap on what has happened in the last semester.

Coaching an Mock Trial team made up entirely of undergraduates has been the most rewarding experience in my 2.5 years of law school. I've learned a lot from teaching them and based on my teams performances they've learned a lot as well.

A close second for most rewarding law school experience is my clinic. So far I've done two depositions, have two more scheduled. I had 140 billed hours last semester working on clinic (only needed 90). Decided that wasn't enough and signed up for another client this semester. Only my original client will go to trial. This means I won't be able to intern at the local PD office, but I think this more than makes up for it since I would just be doing paperwork at the PD office.

Wrote an appellate brief for a case that was just garbage. In so doing I seem to have impressed the professor as he agreed to do an independent study class with me so I can get a good case next semester.

My flight home for the break got cancelled because of weather. Missed my own birthday party as a result. Spent Christmas on a plane. It wasn't my worst birthday ever (I was sick for my birthday once) but it wasn't awesome. It definitely was the worst Christmas ever. So many screaming children on the plane. Every person working on Christmas seems to be disgruntled (and I can't really blame them for that).

Grades haven't come out yet so I don't know how I did this semester. I think it will be a middle of the road semester, but I'm slightly worried it will be bad. My GPA is the last thing I'm worried about as far as the job hunt is concerned though. My biggest concern is finding somewhere that is actually hiring. So far my best news is: "PD office B might be hiring by the time you graduate and pass the bar."

Bought a new suit. It was the combination of my birthday and Christmas presents. I've driven in cars that cost less than this suit. It is currently being tailored, once that is done I will probably wear it daily for a week.


PDgirl said...

I tagged you on my blog.

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