Friday, May 23, 2008

I actually did something today

Today I went over plea paperwork with clients. Asked their age and wrote that in, asked how far they had gone in school (most were college graduates) and wrote that in. Then I explained the elements of the crime. Then I explained the rights they were waiving. I often make the claim that I learn nothing in law school. Today forced me to acknowledge that I have actually learned something when I found myself explaining the waiver of rights for memory (thank you Crim Pro II) and not looking at the form. Once that was done I explained the maximum penalty and the offer (usually suspended sentence and a couple hundred dollar fine, with conditions of probation including no similar violations, no refusal of a breath or blood test, etc). Then I asked if they had any questions. One guy unfortunately took me up on my offer to answer his questions and must have been disappointed when I had no idea. Fortunately for me the interpreter working with me at the time knew the answer and told him for me. It wasn't my fault that I didn't know, his question had to do with how he got his bail money back. They definitely don't teach that in law school.

The pretrial calender was insane today. Court started at 8:30, so I was there at 8:15 and I didn't get to leave the courtroom until 1:45. I can't remember that last time I was so hungry. A granola bar and coke is no longer going to cut it as breakfast.

Next week I get my first five cases and in June my provisional license will arrive so I'll actually be able to do something with my cases.

I guess I must have a look that says "I know what's going on" because at two private attorneys asked me questions about the docket today. I can understand the clients thinking "oh look a dude in a suit, he must be a lawyer, I'll ask him what's going on" but other attorneys should know better. I really thought I was conveying a look of terror at the beginning. Most of my thoughts were "please don't ask any questions, please don't ask any questions, please don't ask any questions" originally I didn't want questions out of fear that I couldn't answer them. Towards the end of the day I didn't want questions still, but because I wanted to get the freaking show on the road and get some food. It really wasn't our clients slowing up the courtroom today, it was the god damned pro se clients who should have gone and gotten evaluated but were too freaking lazy to take the elevator 2 floors down to get a free freaking attorney. One of them didn't even learn her lesson since the judge just appointed my supervisor to advise her right then and there.

My first client was pleading and the state offered him a suspended sentence and fine, leaving no jail time to serve and $300 to pay. The judge gave him no jail time and $200 to pay. I told my supervisor is was due to the excellent job I did explaining the form to him. She mumbled some bullshit about the "judge always does that." Whatever, we all know it was all me.

My other clients were less exciting. The DUI client who told the cop he smoked crack after being pulled over wasn't that nice. The client who was bitching about having to be at work and wanting his case to go first was also an asshole. If you don't want to be late for work, try not drinking and driving, just a suggestion, otherwise shut up an wait your turn patiently like everyone else. The homeless client that was starving in the woods and stole some Ensure from WalMart was really, really nice when I helped him understand his waiver of jury trial form. He stole like $6 worth of Ensure and now WalMart is sending him a form demanding $200 in exchange for not suing. Just another reason to hate WalMart.

I continue loving this externship and can't wait to start doing shit on my own.


Woman in Black said...

Cool stuff! I hope you have a great summer there.

S said...

trust me, after about another week, you will know loads more about dockets than private attorneys!

I didn't really need another reason to hate Wal-Mart, but that is a good one.

PDgirl said...

I agree-it was totally you.

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