Wednesday, July 29, 2009

half a day to go

No computer problems today, just not understanding the questions problems. Bar examiners felt the need to throw us off by not including Civ Pro, giving us a confusing as hell con law question, three very strange torts questions, two hard as hell contracts questions and two terrible terrible property questions. Two crim pro questions though and a criminal law question (which hopefully I rocked otherwise maybe my inability to get a PD job is fortuitous).

Everyone who is just a temporary employee and proctoring or doing tech support for the software has been very pleasant an nice. Everyone who works for the bar association has been a total asshole and rude beyond belief. I'm sorry I was trying to leave the room, I'm just doing it because THE PROCTOR TOLD ME TO! So giving me attitude about "breaking the rule" is a little misplaced when I was follow the proctor's instructions. How about you go yell at the guy who has a larger than quart sized bag, or the guy who wore a hate into the room?

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